Posted on Sunday, April 13, 2014
Increasing your page ranking means letting the search engines understand just what you have to offer to the people that are looking for products and services. This series will cover the steps you’ll need to take to increase your page ranking.
Posted on Sunday, April 13, 2014
Earlier today I was busy doing a little keyword research with the keyword tool that Google provides, yes, I had seen the huge banner for months now letting me know that it would soon be gone, but like many others I choose to ignore that banner and just kept thanking my lucky stars that today would not be the day that I had to go get myself familiar with a different method of researching keywords.
Posted on Sunday, April 13, 2014
Your customers want to talk about the experience they had with your business. It’s hard to get thumbs up; you really have to leave a customer with a positive feeling. What about the thumbs down? People are unfortunately more likely to take the time to let others know about a bad experience. There are over 102 million visitors each month to Yelp alone. Getting to the first page of Google is great! Make sure you can handle the business it will bring before the customers show up.
Posted on Sunday, April 13, 2014
Keyword research means business - Every minute of every day your customers are looking for your products and services. You want them to see what you have to offer but unlike business being done on Main Street of your home town, doing business online means you have to tell the search engines that you have the perfect solution for that customer who is searching online.